Painted monasteries and wooden churches
<span style="font-weight: 400">Enjoy 10 days of spirituality, as this tour will take you to visit the most beautiful churches and monasteries in Romania, most of them UNESCO monuments. Sucevita and Moldovita, Voronet Monastery, called “The Sixtine Chapel of the East”, but also Barsana Monastery or Sapanta Cemetery are just a few of the wonders you will see.</span>
Book this tour
  • Accommodation
  • Arrival and departure transfers
  • Entrance fees
  • Meals
  • Professional guide
  • Transport
Not included
  • Flight
  • Medical insurance
  • Tips
DAY 1: Bucharest – Sinaia – Bran - 180 km
Arrival at the Henri Coanda International Airport and meeting with your guide. Transfer to Bran - the home of the famous Bran Castle.
On the way, you will visit the majestic Peles Castle in Sinaia, located at the foot of the Bucegi Mountains. Sinaia became famous at the end of 19th century when the first king of Romania, Carol I, made it the summer residence for the royal family and popularized the town. The Peles Castle is a fine example of German Renaissance style of architecture, with elaborately-decorated rooms.
Accommodation in a 4* hotel in Bran.
DAY 2: Bran – Brasov – Sighisoara - 144 km
In the morning, you will visit Bran Castle. The Castle is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia. Commonly known as "Dracula's Castle" (although it is one among several locations linked to the Dracula legend, including Poenari Castle and Hunyad Castle), it is marketed as the home of the titular character in Bram Stoker's Dracula. The castle is now a museum open to tourists, displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie.
At the bottom of the hill there is a small open air museum park exhibiting traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, barns etc.) from across the country.
The afternoon is dedicated to one of the most beautiful medieval citadel in Romania: Sighisoara. It is the only medieval citadel in Europe that is still fully inhabited; mentioned in 1280 as “Castrum Sex”. Detailed tour of the citadel, including the Tower Museum, the Scholars' Stairs, the Church on the Hill. Feel the attractions of the Torture Room and visit the Medieval Weapons Collection. Visit the house where supposedly Vlad “Dracula” was born.
Accommodation at a 4* hotel in Sighisoara.
DAY 3: Sighisoara – Turda - Cluj - 155 km
Today we will visit the beautiful Turda Salt Mine. The Turda Salt Mine is now a veritable history museum of salt mining. The excellent state of preservation of mining and machinery used to transport salt, together with the cautious work carried out for preparing the mine to become a tourist attraction, have made history and legend meet harmoniously here. It is such an impressive place. What you will see will go beyond your wildest imagination. It is so majestic and so incredibly beautiful.
Departure to Cluj - Napoca. Panoramic tour of the beautiful city of Cluj - Napoca.
Dinner and accommodation at a 4 * hotel in Cluj - Napoca.
DAY 4: Cluj - Baia Mare - Sapanta - Sighetul Marmatiei - 254 km
After breakfast we depart to Sighetul Marmatiei.
On the way we will do a short stop in Baia Mare. Lunch on the way.
After Baia Mare we will continue to Sapanta and we will visit the Merry Cemetery, unique in the world for its happy epitaphs carved on the funerary stones by the local craftsman Stan Patras and the open-air handicrafts exhibition.
Arrival in Sighetul Marmatiei and overnight in a 4* Hotel.
DAY 5: Sighetul Marmatiei - Ieud - Barsana - Borsa - Gura Humorului - 224 km
After breakfast we visit Sighetul Marmatiei, famous for the Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance. You will be surprised by this sleepy town right at the border with Ukraine.
We will continue our trip to Gura Humorului. On our way we will stop and visit the village of Ieud and Barsana and see the famous wooden churches from Maramures.
Lunch on the way to Gura Humorului.
Arrival in Gura Humorului. Dinner and accommodation at a 4* hotel.
Day 6: Gura Humorului – Sucevita – Moldovita – Voronet - Gura Humorului - 124 km
Breakfast in the hotel.
Today is the day of spirituality. You will visit the most beautiful churches and monasteries in Romania, most of them UNESCO monuments. The monasteries Sucevita and Moldovita are unique in the world with their outdoor frescoes, but the masterpiece is Voronet Monastery, also called “The Sixtine Chapel of the East”, well known for its unique color in the world: 'blue of Voronet'.
Lunch on our way.
Return to Gura Humorului. Dinner and overnight in Gura Humorului.
Day 7: Gura Humorului – Piatra Neamt - Red Lake - 174 km
Breakfast in the hotel. Departure to Red Lake. On the way we visit the Neamt Fortress.
Lunch in Piatra Neamt.
Departure to Red Lake.
The Red Lake (Lacu Rosu), also called the Killer’s Lake , is a natural storage dam lake and is situated at the foot of Hasmasul Mare Mountain, near Bicaz Gorges. It is the largest natural mountain lake in Romania formed in 1837 after a piece of the Killer Mountain came off due to torrential rains, it slipped on the clay layer and blocked three streams. Its name comes from the reddish alluvial (iron oxides and iron hydroxides) deposited in the lake by the Red Creek.
Dinner and overnight in a 3* Hotel in Lacu Rosu.
Day 8: Red Lake - Brasov - 191 km
Breakfast in the hotel.
Departure to Brasov. Lunch on our way.
Time to rest in Brasov and enjoy the beautiful city. Admire the Black Church (the biggest Gothic monument in Brasov), St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Schei Gate and District (architectural reservation), the Rope Street (the narrowest street in Europe), The Drapers’ Bastion, The Ropemakers’ Bastion, The Weavers’ Bastion (a building unique in Romania), the White and the Black Towers, Ecaterina’s Gate, the Old Town Hall Square and the Town Council building.Dinner and overnight in a 4* Hotel in Poiana Brasov.
Day 9: Brasov - Bucharest- 179 km
Breakfast in the hotel. Around 12:00 we depart to Bucharest. On our way we will stop for a wine tasting in Azuga. Lunch in Azuga.
Arrival in Bucharest. Farewell dinner and overnight in a 4* Hotel in Bucharest.
Day 10: Departure
Transfer to airport