Our most amazing escapes
From Romania with love
Discover amazing Romania as this tour takes you through the country's most beautiful cities, castles and fortresses. See Brasov, Sighisoara, Rasnov Fortress, Fagaras Fortress, Peles and Bran Castles and Bucharest, the amazing capital.
Nature & history 5 days / 4 nights
In the footsteps of Zamolxis - the Supreme God of the Getae
Come to see the 7 Springs Waterfall with one of the purest waters on the planet and drink the water forbidden to the public during’ Ceausescu’s Dinasty or just admire the Triple Pillar of Heavens considered to be the most important natural Informational Energetic Centre of the planet. This is definitely a tour for photography passionates. Explore the beauty of the spectacular landscape with a professional photographer guide on this 6 days photography and sightseeing tour. With a small-group tour, limited to 12 people or less, you will get personalized attention and an intimate experience. You will get: – practical tips and tricks of the art of Photography from your professional photographer – improve your photographic skills for travel and landscape photography, whether you’re a beginner or experienced, using a DSLR or a mirrorless camera. – Small-group tour limited to 12 people ensures personalized attention from your guide
Nature & history, Mind & soul 6 days / 5 nights
Romania in a Nutshell
Spend 4 incredible days in Transylvania and discover the most beautiful castles, fortresses, traditional villages and cities that Romania has to offer! Relax yourself and be amazed by this region where time stands still!
Nature & history 4 days / 3 nights
Romania’s Fantastic Castles
Fantastic and unique castles, citadels and fortified churches in Transylvania - enjoy them all in this amazing trip that includes Curtea de Arges and Cozia Monasteries, Sibiu, Sighisoara, Brasov, Biertan and Viscri, Rupea and Rasnov Fortresses, Bran and Peles Castles.
Nature & history 7 days / 6 nights
Traces of communism
Follow the steps of the infamous Nicolae Ceausescu as you visit the most important sights related to the past era of communism, "The Ceausescu's era". Don't miss this chance to see among others the enormous Palace of Parliament, the “Ceausescu Mansion”, Snagov Palace or Targoviste, the city where the dictator found his end.
Nature & history 4 days / 3 nights
Transylvania mon amour
Watch the guards changing in Alba Iulia, be a guest at a wedding in Sibiel, visit Sighisoara, the birthplace of the famous Dracula, be astonished by the Fagaras Fortress or just relax yourself in Sibiu or Cluj Napoca. Super magical sites, incredible moments, culture and tradition at its best will make you say: WOW!
Nature & history 5 days/ 4 nights
Whispers of the Earth
Visit one of the most amazing sights in Romania. This tour will take you to the Muddy Volcanoes, miniature craters created by natural gas coming from over 3000 meters deep. This is for sure one of the most specatacular sights in Romania. It seems like you are on another planet. Also, don’t miss Ciolanu Monastery, Magura sculpture camp and a wine tasting in LacertA Winery.
Nature & history 1 day